Cinema '76: Illustrated Transcript with Audio

That way to Deborah Sampson

This way to John Glover

Cinema '76 Logo
"Allan McLane"
Source: Ray Dashner Archives 2007 All Rights Reserved
That way to Deborah Sampson

This way to John Glover

They eyes and the ears
of the new-born nation,
Allan McLane Transparancy
Allan McLane,
Allan McLane Transparancy
Was always collecting
information; Allan McLane
Allan McLane Transparancy
New he's here, now he's there, Allan McLane was everywhere.
Allan McLane Transparancy
Using a horse for
transportation, Allan McLane,
Allan McLane Transparancy
When the Revolution started there was no cavalry.
Allan McLane Transparancy
They had no scouts
for the whereabouts
of the Redcoat enemy.
Allan McLane Transparancy
So, without a word to warn
them, no one to put them wise,
Allan McLane Transparancy
The officers were regularly
taken by surprise
Allan McLane Transparancy
Not 'til half the nation
was in enemy hands
Allan McLane Transparancy
Did the army start to send
out reconnoitering bands
Allan McLane Transparancy
Led by a bright young captain who became the British bane.
Allan McLane Transparancy
Alas, his name is clean
forgotten: Allan McLane
Allan McLane Transparancy
The eyes and the ears of the new born nation, Allan McLane
Allan McLane Transparancy
Was always collecting
information, Allan McLane.
Allan McLane Transparancy
New he's here, now he's there, Allan McLane was everywhere.
Allan McLane Transparancy
Using a horse for
transportation, Allan McLane
Allan McLane Transparancy
When the Army sought enlistments, he got ninety-four alone.
Allan McLane Transparancy
Their bounty, he paid personally with money of his own.
Allan McLane Transparancy
When there was no wool for
clothing, and uniforms were few
Allan McLane Transparancy
His wife ran up some breeches from a tablecloth or two.
Allan McLane Transparancy
When the Army's food supply was practically nil
Allan McLane Transparancy
He considered it a challenge to his foraging skill.
Allan McLane Transparancy
He got five hundred cattle
and fifteen hundred hogs,
Allan McLane Transparancy
Two hundred head of horses
Allan McLane Transparancy
And a few trailing dogs.
Allan McLane Transparancy
The eyes and the ears of the new-born nation, Allan McLane,
Allan McLane Transparancy
Was always collecting
information, Allan McLane.
Allan McLane Transparancy
New he's here, now he's there, Allan McLane was everywhere.
Allan McLane Transparancy
Using a horse for
transportation, Allan McLane.
Allan McLane Transparancy
Though the British captured Philly, he knew their every plan.
Allan McLane Transparancy
His loyal spies,
like a thousand eyes,
reported what they'd scan
Allan McLane Transparancy
When the Army sought the
lay-out of an irksome
Redcoat fort,
Allan McLane Transparancy
He'd get inside and look
around and hand in his report.
Allan McLane Transparancy
If the fleet of France would
blockade Chesapeake Bay,
Allan McLane Transparancy
Hopes were high that we
would see a victory day.
Allan McLane Transparancy
He took a ship and sought out
Allan McLane Transparancy
the Admiral of their fleet
Allan McLane Transparancy
Who said "Oui, Oui!
To Yorktown ...
Allan McLane Transparancy
And Cornwallis' defeat!"
Allan McLane Transparancy
The eyes and the ears of the new-born nation, Allan McLane,
Allan McLane Transparancy
Just like a radar
installation, Allan McLane.
Allan McLane Transparancy
New he's here, now he's there, Allan McLane was everywhere.
Allan McLane Transparancy
Using a horse for
transportation, Allan McLane.
Allan McLane Transparancy