- Coca-Cola Exhibit
- Mr. Harold Sharp, Vice President
- The Coca-Cola Company
- P.O. Box 1734
- Atlanta 1, Georgia
- 404 TR 5-3411
- and
- Mr. Wayne McConnell, Manager
- National Sales
- 405 Lexington Avenue
- New York 17, New York
- MU2-5761
- February 21, 1961
- Free
- Block 17; Lot 2
- Industrial Area
- 46,314 sq. ft.
- Welton, Becket & Assocs.
- 300 Park Avenue
- New York 22, New York
- PL1-1540
- The Displayers, Inc.
- 635 West 54th Street
- New York 19, New York
- PL7-6500
- George A. Fuller
SOURCE: 1964 World's
Fair Information Manual
- The Theme of the Coca-Cola Exhibit is "World of Refreshment".
- Exterior: The two story building will be elliptical
in form, with a center court. White sculptural arch
- forms support a gold screen at the street facade framing
the main entrance. Visitors will enter the building via a wide
ramp into a breathtaking forecourt framed by a series of ten
arches which will repeat the exterior of the building arches,
but on a larger scale. Soft blues and greens will contrast with
the white arches and gold screen. The entire exhibition will
be surrounded by a moat-like pool.
- Interior: The exhibit will feature a free global holiday,
taking visitors on a simulated trip around the world. They will
not only view six exotic scenes, but also smell, hear, taste
and touch the places visited. The visitor first will be taken
to Hong Kong, where he will hear the sound of people mingling
with the sound of windbells, the clatter of rickshaws on cobblestone
streets. From there the visitor will be taken to view the Taj
Mahal in moonlight. Then off to a Bavarian ski lodge and the
smell and feel of a blazing fireplace, and then a tropical forest
in Cambodia to her the calls of birds and chatter of monkeys.
The fifth scene will place the visitor on an ocean liner off
Rio de Janerio where he will feel the motion of the ship and
taste the salt spray. And finally, he will visit New Orleans
for the Mardi Gras.
- The three-sided Tower of Music, as large as a 12-story
building, will rise 120 feet. The tower will be the musical voice
of the Fair, and will strike the time of day. Its tones will
be heard throughout the Fair. The Tower of Music will house a
610-bell electronic carillon. It will be the largest carillon
in the world. At various heights in the tower will be banks of
speakers which will cover the full range and frequency, thereby
creating a true outdoor hi-fi effect. The console will be completely
enclosed in glass, permitting visitors to view the musician as
he performs. Recitals of a wide variety of musical programs with
full orchestration will be given several times each day by famous
carillonneurs from all over the world.
Another aspect of the Coca-Cola pavilion is a communication
center installed by the American Radio Relay League, the
national non-profit membership association of 100,000 amateur
radio operators which will celebrate its 50th anniversary during
the opening of the Fair. Amateur operators, upon presentation
of credentials, will be allowed to broadcast from the studio
to other amateurs throughout the world. Educational information
regarding the scientific hobby will be available. Visitors to
the pavilion will be able to watch and listen in on these foreign
A USO World's Fair referral and information lounge
to accommodate military personnel and their dependents will occupy
1,110 square feet of space in the exhibit. Plans call for a direct
tie-line between the USO Times Square Club and the USO World's
Fair Club. It is estimated that one million American and Allied
Service personnel and their families will use the facilities
during the 1964-1965 seasons.
The Coca-Cola Company
Source: NY World's Fair Publication For Those Who Produced the New York World's Fair 1964-1965