
- The visitor to this exhibit samples five of the most spectacular places in the world, from an Alpine peak to a tropical forest - complete with sights, sounds, climate and aromas. The scenes are created in an elliptical building two-stories high enclosing a large court. In the center of the court is The Coca-Cola Tower, a three-sided 120-foot spire containing the world's largest electronic carillon, with 610 bells. It strikes the hours at the Fair and is played in concerts by famous carillonneurs. Among the other attractions are a special amateur radio center and a USO lounge and information center for servicemen.
- * Admission: free.
- "WORLD OF REFRESHMENT." During a 15-minute stroll, visitors pass through the following re-creations of exotic places:
- ¶ A bustling Hong Kong street, filled with colorful shops, ends at the shore of Fragrant Harbor with its view of Kowloon on the mainland of China in the distance.
- ¶ A serene Indian garden, where fountains softly play, has the beautiful Taj Mahal in the background.
- ¶ A Bavarian ski lodge is located in a mountain setting; through the windows can be seen the Bavarian Alps.
- ¶ A Cambodian forest echoes to the chatter of monkeys and contains the 12th Century temple at Angkor Wat.
- ¶ Rio de Janerio, glittering at night, is viewed from a cruise ship anchored in the harbor. The interior of the ship is reproduced with careful authenticity. Salt spray is in the air.
- HAM RADIO. Members of the American Radio Relay League operate a superb three-position sending and receiving station that is capable of reaching all the way around the globe. The station is available for licensed operators to use.
- SERVICEMEN'S CANTEEN. A lounge of the United Service Organizations is linked by phone to the USO's Times Square Center. Attendants help servicemen obtain tickets to attractions in the New York area; in addition, they supply travel information.

Visitors stroll through re-creations of an Oriental street, an Alpine peak, a tropical forest -- complete with sights and sounds.
In the center of a courtyard stands a 120-foot spire containing the world's largest carillon, with 610 bells that are electronically amplified. It strikes the hours at the Fair and is played in daily concerts by famous carillonneurs.
- "GLOBAL HOLIDAY." During a 15- to 20-minute indoor walk, fairgoers visit such faraway places as a bustling Hong Kong street, a serene Indian garden, a Bavarian ski lodge, a Cambodian forest and the harbor of Rio de Janeiro.
- HAM RADIO. Members of the American Radio Relay League operate a sending and receiving station capable of reaching around the globe.
- SERVICEMEN'S CENTER. A lounge of the United Service Organizations (USO) supplies travel information and helps servicemen obtain tickets to New York theaters, sports events and other local attractions.
¶ Admission: free.