- Chrylser Corporation
- Mr. Michael M. Ducody, General Mgr.
- Chrysler Corporation
- 6334 Lynch Road
- Detroit 31, Michigan
- 313-921-8241
- Mr. Guy Tozzoli
- New York Port of New York Authority
- June 13, 1961
- Free
- Block 48; Lot 1
- Transportation Area
- 254,021 sq. ft.
- George Nelson & Company, Inc.
- 25 East 22nd Street
- New York, New York
- GR 7-4641
- James King and Son, Inc.
SOURCE: 1964 World's Fair Information Manual
- The Chrysler exhibit area, oval shaped and spreading over more than 250,000 sq. feet, is 1,000 feet in length and more than 300 feet wide.
- The five (5) connected islands in a large artifical lake, on which the company's major exhibits are located, are easily accessible by means of causeways and bridges. These approaches provide quick and easy entrance to the various displays and attactions.
- The Chrysler exhibits consist of both outdoor and indoor facilities and visitors set their own pace for viewing the various attractions.
- Some of Chrysler's major facets such as engineering, production and styles are uniquely portrayed on the islands.
Engineering, for example, is symbolized by a huge walk through "engine";
Production is dramatized by a simulated assembly line;
- Styling, by an enormous building shaped like an automobile.
The Four "Pentastar" Structures, each shaped like a pentagon are joined together and designed to resemble the company's pentastar emblem, which identifies Chrysler Corporation products and facilites all over the world. This building has a total seating capacity of 2,500 and features a 70-foot revolving stage. Here a continuous musical show is presented, with facilities permitting as many as 45,000 visitors to view the presentation daily.
- The dramatic white roof and blue walls give the structure a striking colorful appearance. At night special lighting provides a spectacular effect.
- Interspersed with these exhibits are dramatic interpretations of Chrysler's other activities such as its international operations - all typifying the many activities of the company through out the world.
Chrysler "autofare"
Source: NY World's Fair Publication For Those Who Produced the New York World's Fair 1964-1965