- Pavilion of Central America - Panama
- Dr. Pedro Abelardo Delgado
- Secretario General
- Secretaria Permanente del Tratado
- General de Integracion Economica
- Centroamericana
- Apartado 1237
- Guatemala, Centralamerica
- __and
- The Honorable Olga Marshall
- Commissioner General
- Consul General of Costa Rica
- 420 Lexington Avenue
- New York 17, New York
- MU 5-1517
- __and
- The Honorable
- Roberto Trigueros Larraondo
- Consul General of El Salvador
- 211 East 43 Street
- New York 17, New York
- TN 7-0065
- Mr. Bruce Nicholson
- February 8, 1963
- Block 30; Lot 7
- International Area
- 9,950 sq. ft.
- Gaspar Pacheco
- c/o Secretaria Permanente del Tratado
- General de Integracion Economic
- Centroamericana
- Apartado 1237
- Guatemala, Centralamerica
- __and
- Arq. Federico Morales
- Av. Juan Aberle No. 19
- San Salvador
- El Salvador, Centralamerica
- __and
- Ing. Harold Albert Sumner
- Apartado Postal 1021
- San Salvador
- El Salvador, Centralamerica
- Tradesman Construction Co.
SOURCE: 1964 World's Fair Information Manual
- The theme and interior design of the Pavilion presents three aspects of Centralamerica and Panama; agriculture, industry and commerce. On the front facade of the Pavilion is a mural showing a map of the Centralamerican countries with the Pan American Highway as well as other regional roads and railroads.
- The exhibit also features six swivel mountings with 12 enlarged photos showing archeological scenes of the countries and pictorial exhibits to further tourism.
- The first floor features a coffee bar. On the mezzanine is a small gift shop. The rear plaza is designed as a show area for the daily presentation of folkloric dances.
- Pre-Columbian designs and ancient and contemporary art from El Salvador, Costa Rica, Guatemala, Honduras, Nicaragua and Panama are exhibited on a revolving basis.
Centralamerica and Panama
Source: NY World's Fair Publication For Those Who Produced the New York World's Fair 1964-1965