Interim Period

October 19, 1964 - April 20, 1965

SOURCE: Photography by Max Mordecai

Unisphere night sequence

"THE FAIR IN 1965"

This progress report, the last before the second season of the Fair opens, gives facts as to 1964, summarizes our accomplishments to date, records our winter housekeeping and planning activities and foreshadows a new Exposition next summer.

No doubt we failed to anticipate some difficulties and made mistakes, but the public response, excepting a few discordant voices, has been friendly, grateful and favorable, and we now go on to a larger attendance and further worldwide interest and support as the gates reopen. Judging by their unsolicited testimony, the enthusiasm of visitors, especially those coming from outside of the city, has been astonishing. We are now earnestly addressing ourselves primarily to those in the metropolitan area who somehow have not yet reached the Fair, who have no special travel problems and can come to Flushing Meadow often.

We have had some financial problems because actual attendance, for reasons still obscure, did not in the first season come up to expectations. High costs, which affect everyone and everything, have been troublesome. We have made cuts in our budget but must keep the Fair safe and clean. It was necessary, for reasons familiar to everyone, to have an unusual number of special police on security, and there have been special jurisdictional labor problems involving maintenance. We may decide to keep the Fair open through Sunday, November 14th.

We have faithfully pursued the objectives which we announced at the inception of the Fair -- an Olympics of progress on a shrinking globe in an expanding universe dedicated to fee competition of ideas and achievements in all fields of human endeavor, domestic and foreign, and a mighty drive to promote world friendship and peace.

To sum up:

  • We promise a brighter, more stimulating Fair with all of the best of the old and many new features.
  • We aim at 37,500,000 visitors next season and believe that with honest, convincing promotion we shall attract that number.
  • We shall profit by mistakes in operation in 1964.
  • We intend to pay our noteholders in full, repair, restore and improve post-Fair Flushing Meadow Park, but some additions originally contemplated will have to wait.
  • We shall retain as part of the permanent park several desirable pavilions and other structures. It should be noted that demolition, salvage, restoration and park improvements are inseparable, inextricably interwoven parts of a single problem. Only one agency can do this work successfully, whatever the source of funds. The neglect and mistakes following the 1939-1940 Fair should not be repeated after the Fair of 1964-1965.
  • We can make no promises at this time as to the $24,000,000 plus spent by the City on permanent park improvements. It may well be that we shall recommend to the City that some part of any balance be used to make Flushing Meadow Park a fitting memento of two Fairs.
  • Particular attention is called to the positive, measurable financial benefits of the Fair to the City's treasury and to private business in all its ramifications. The Fair has been an undeniable boon to the city.



January 26, 1965

Moses signature

SOURCE: The Fair in 1965 - NY World's Fair Corporation Publication, January 26, 1965

The first season of the Fair closed to the public on October 18, 1964. The time between the 1964 and 1965 seasons was called the "Interim Period." The Fair Corporation and exhibitors used this six month period to spruce up pavilions and grounds and to make plans for the second, and final, season of the Fair. The series of photographs by photographer Frank Bauman that follow appeared in the April 20, 1965 edition of Look Magazine (Vol. 29 No. 8). They show the Fair in the snowy mantle of the Winter of 1965.

 Billy Graham - Winter 1965

Sun warms Billy Graham Pavilion. -

WF Telephones - Winter 1965

- Icicles spangle phone booths.


The interim program for "putting the Fair to bed" started as planned on October 19th, the day after the close of the 1964 season.

The program is divided generally into three major tasks; (a) winterization of the physical plant to provide protection over the winter months, (b) repair and rehabilitation of certain facilities, and (c) de-winterization next spring.

Contracts for work were awarded prior to the Fair closing. The "General Construction" contract, which consists of repairs to roads and parking fields, cleaning of the Flushing River culverts, paving of additional malls, flushing of storm and sanitary sewer lines, and certain other miscellaneous exterior work was awarded to Slatter Contracting Co.

The "Building Contract," which includes all interim building work (except electrical) and exterior painting was awarded to Sawyer & Dolfinger. This contract also covers erection of temporary barricades at entrances, and the winterization and protection of toll booths and turnstiles.

Electrical work, to include all pools and fountains and street lighting, is being accomplished under supervision of one of the World's Fair consultants by World's Fair Maintenance Corporation and Allied World's fair Service Corporation.

Landscaping work, which consists primarily of widening existing display beds and providing additional display beds in the Courts of the Sun and the Moon is being done by Roman Landscape Co. as an extension of their present contract.

Work at the U.S. Space Park, which the Fair Corporation is required to do under the terms of its agreement with the government, was awarded to W.J. Barney Corporation.

In addition, several smaller contracts were awarded for waterproofing of the Singer Bowl, exterior fencing at the Hall of Science, and additional post and chain fencing for protection of grassed areas.

All winterization work was substantially completed by the scheduled date, December 15, 1964. No significant problems were encountered except in the Meadow Lake parking fields where it was found necessary to postpone paving repairs until spring due to a greater ground settlement in the area than had been anticipated.

Work forces on the site have been de-mobilized until de-winterization operations can start, but under the terms of the General Construction and Building Contracts, these contractors are on a standby basis, ready to respond immediately for any emergency work which may develop.

The start of de-winterization work will depend to some extent on weather conditions.

Exterior painting of World's Fair structures will begin the latter part of February, and it is anticipated that all other de-winterizing operations will be in full swing by the first of March. Completion is scheduled for the first of April.

The period between April 1st and the opening of the Fair on April 21st will be used for general cleanup of the site.

Exhibitor Engineering Plans
Since the close of the Fair on October 18 there have been 119 exhibitor's pavilions either winterized or underway for winterization. This figure represents approximately 80% of all pavilions and the remaining are those that, due to nature and design, require little or no work.

As of this date 73 exhibitor's pavilions are planning refurbishing and/or alteration work for the 1965 season. Nineteen of the 73 are known to be planning an entirely new facility. Much of the work that will be done is specifically a refinement of operations to facilitate more pleasant conditions for the visitors this year.

SOURCE: The Fair in 1965 - NY World's Fair Corporation Publication, January 26, 1965

 Alaska - Winter 1965

Totem pole fronts Alaska. -

Hong Kong - Winter 1965

- Hong Kong bridge.


The operating season of the Fair commenced on April 22, 1964 and ended on October 18, 1964. During this season of 180 days, the total paid attendance amounted to 27,148,280. Of this attendance 16,540,053 were admitted on the submission of advance sales tickets. This leaves 14,136,590 advance sale tickets still outstanding. The Fair is in a much better position now to attract a larger attendance in the 1965 season than in 1964. The tremendously favorable word-of-mouth advertising given the Fair by the millions who saw it affords a basis of high hopes for the 1965 Season.

A survey, based on a sampling of 10,000 visitors to the Fair, showed that 48.3% of the visitors came from the Metropolitan Area. 93.1% of those interviewed felt that the Fair was worthwhile coming to see mainly by reason of its magnitude, educational value and beauty. 98.4% found the Fair grounds clean and 99% though the Fair personnel presented a clean appearance and were courteous.

Since the close of the Fair, work is progressing in completing the records, reviewing 1964's operation results and establishing new budgets for the interim and 1965 operating seasons and for the post-Fair period.

SOURCE: The Fair in 1965 - NY World's Fair Corporation Publication, January 26, 1965

 Hawaii - Winter 1965

Snow caps Hawaiian village. -

Chrysler - Winter 1965

- Logs bridge Chrysler moat.


Looking forward to a well-kept Fairsite for the new season, the maintenance operation is busy with routine refuse removal at all collection points and at all restaurants remaining open during the interim period.

Leaf removal and pruning was completed by late November and snow removal preparations made to assure access to all fire hydrants and keep all other traffic lanes open for working parties.

Motorized equipment not in use was winterized, the rest being kept efficiently operating.

Both the uniformed and detective forces of the World's Fair Police department have been on regular, constant patrol duty since the Fair closed its gates in October. Vacant as well as occupied buildings have been under continuous surveillance to prevent pilferage and vandalism.

Safety inspectors are also regularly combing the grounds and buildings to remove hazards to workers, and eliminate anything potentially dangerous to visitors before the Fair reopens.

The World's Fair Fire Department, in addition to its normal duties, patrols the entire site, checking all buildings for combustible materials or other potential fire starters. Radio contact is maintained at all times with dispatchers at department headquarters.

SOURCE: The Fair in 1965 - NY World's Fair Corporation Publication, January 26, 1965

 Johnson Wax - Winter 1965

Johnson Golden Rondelle. -

 UAR - Winter 1965

- Ramses II stares from UAR Building.

(October 19, 1964 - April 20, 1965)
  1. All construction work, including the furnishing of labor and supplies and all deliveries during the interim Fair period, are required to take place Monday through Friday between the hours of 7:00 A.M. and 5:00 P.M.
  2. No exhibit or concession may be open to the public during the interim season. In this regard, no charity benefits, public attended previews, or similar events will be permitted and no food concessions or operations will be permitted to remain open with the exception of two Brass Rail (Sites No. 19, and 50A) restaurants authorized by the Fair Corporation.
  3. Bus service will be operated when required. The United States Post Office and the Service Branch of the First National City Bank will remain in operation.
  4. All access to the Fair site will be subject to the control of the Director of Security.
  1. The Fair Corporation will in general provide day and night police and fire protection within the limits of the Fair grounds. The Fair Corporation shall not be responsible for the loss or damage of any property of any participant. It shall be the participant's responsibility to secure and maintain any area leased to him during the term of his agreement with the Fair Corporation.
  2. World's Fair Police are responsible for the security of the Fair grounds, exclusive of areas which are the responsibility of the participant pursuant to his lease or other agreement with the Fair Corporation.
  3. Such police, during the execution of their duties, shall have full authority to stop and search all vehicles, and question the occupants thereof on the Fair Site. The orders, directions and instructions of such police will be complied with at all times. Anyone failing to comply therewith will be ejected from the Fair site and may thereafter be denied permission to re-enter the Fair Site.

It is the present intention of the Fair Corporation that the following operations and services will be provided by the Fair Corporation during the interim Fair period:

  1. Police: Security for the Fair site will be provided by means of a foot and motor-patrol system. Precinct #1 will be open.
  2. Fire: Three fire companies will provide fire protection.
  3. Safety: The World's Fair Safety Department will function throughout the interim period.
  4. Medical: All first aid stations will be closed. The Atomedic Hospital, however will operate with a skeleton force, and will serve primarily as a first aid station. Ambulance service will be available from the Atomedic Hospital to New York City Hospitals.
  5. Communications: Emergency communications systems, both radio and telephones, will be maintained. Emergency phones in the "serpentine" system will remain in use, and those phones used for Precinct reporting will report directly to Precinct #1.
  6. Lighting: During evening hours, the Fair site will remain lighted to the extent deemed appropriate by the Fair Corporation. Exhibitors, concessionaires and participants are encouraged to provide exterior lighting.
Admission to the Fair Site
Admission to the Fair site will be limited to employees of the World's Fair; employees of maintenance and security organizations employed by the Fair; employees of exhibitors and concessionaires, and contractors and their employees.
Vehicle Restriction
No private vehicles will be permitted on the Fair site.
  1. Starting October 1, 1964 Employee Passes will be perforated with a suitable punch. Effective October 19, 1964 only ID Cards so perforated will be valid for entry upon the Fair site. Permanent Passes (ID Cards) for the interim period will be issued by the Fair Corporation to those accredited persons whose responsibilities require their regular presence at their respective projects. For temporary employees of contractors, day passes will be used. Both types of passes can be obtained at the Identity Office in the Service Building. There will be a charge of $1.00 for each permanent pass (ID Card.) There will be no charge for day passes, and such passes may be picked up in advance. Call WF4-5422 for information.
  2. The Labor Relations Department of the World's Fair Corporation will forward to the Identity Office for processing all union requests for passes (ID Cards) or day passes.
  3. The Fair Corporation reserves the right to reject any application for passes or to cancel passes for any reason satisfactory to the Fair Corporation. The holders of passes, will be subject to such restrictions as may from time to time be prescribed by the Fair Corporation.
Vehicle Permits
  1. Special construction equipment used by a contractor in connection with work at the Fair site (e.g., cranes, bulldozers, paving machines, dump trucks, etc.) will be permitted in and out of the Fair site without permits, but, the drivers of such equipment will be subject to all other Fair Regulations.
  2. All vehicles not identified with a Fair Corporation's official decal, other than the equipment described above, must obtain a vehicle permit to gain access to the Fair site. such permits may be obtained from the Truck Delivery Operations Unit, located in the trailer inside the Fowler-Avery Gate to the Fair.
  3. Daily and monthly permits will be issued. there will be no charge for these permits, which may be obtained in advance.
  4. The Fair Corporation reserves the right to refuse to issue, or to confiscate any such permit for any reason deemed sufficient by the Fair Corporation, including violations of the 15 mile per hour speed limit, or the damaging of the facilities located on the Fair grounds.
  1. Personnel: Gates 1,2,6, Fowler-Avery and the Top of the Fair Gates will be open to persons carrying passes (ID Cards and day passes.) Workmen's tools will be permitted through the Pass Gates and on buses.
  2. Day passes will be mutilated at the gate, and returned to the holder for use as identification on the Fair site. If the holder has to leave and return on the same day, a handstamping process will be used.
  3. All packages being carried on or off the Fair site will be subject to inspection.
  1. Two vehicular gates, Fowler-Avery and 111th Street, will be operated by the Fair Corporation. Vehicles with the Fair Corporation's official decal may use Gate #2. Emergency vehicles and vehicles on emergency utility service, will be permitted to use all operating gates.
  2. Construction vehicles (as discussed previously) may use either the Fowler-Avery or 111th Street Gates.
  3. Vehicles having Fair Corporation official decals may use all operating gates.
  4. Vehicles which do not have both a monthly permit and a decal reading "World's Fair Delivery" are required to use the Fowler-Avery Gate only.
  5. Vehicles having daily truck permits are required to use the Fowler-Avery Gate only. Daily permits will be surrendered upon leaving such gate.
  6. All vehicles are required to stop at a designated area inside the Fowler-Avery Gate in order that driver credentials may be verified.
  7. All vehicles will be subject to manifest checks upon entry and departure from all gates.
  1. Roosevelt Avenue "VIP" Parking Area: this parking area will be operated under present instructions. Deliveries to Service Building and Identity Building will be made through this lot.
  2. Lawrence Street Parking Area: This area will be used for parking by personnel employed on the Fair site. Admission to the lot is by ID Card or day pass. There will be no charge. Bus service will be available from this area to points within the Fair site. The reserved parking area will continue in operation.
  3. East Meadow Lake Parking Area: This area will be used by personnel employed on the Fair site. Admission to the lot is by ID Card or day pass. There will be no charge. Bus service will be available from Gate #6 to points within the Fair grounds.
  4. 111th Street Parking Area: This area will be used by persons visiting the Top of the Fair and the Terrace Club. There will be no charge.
  5. Roosevelt Avenue Bus Parking Area: This area will be used by employees of the Fair security and maintenance organizations. The entrance will be on 126th Street. parking will be on a first-come, first-served basis. There will be no charge.
SOURCE: Operations Manual - NY World's Fair Corporation Publication

 IBM - Winter 1965

IBM's "egg" theater. -

 General Electric - Winter 1965

- GE lights up a winter's night.

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