- The Wonderful World of Scouting
- Mr. Theodore P. Accas
- Director of Special Events, Public Relations and Activities
- __and
- Mr. William L. Scollay
- Director, World's Fair Service Corps
- Greater New York Councils
- Boy Scouts of America
- 25 West 43rd Street
- New York, New York 10036
- WI 7-8400
- Mr. W. H. Ottley
- February 13, 1963
- Block 7; Lot 5, plus adjacent
- area, underneath Van Wyck
- Expressway Extension,
- Industrial Area
- 26,851 sq. ft.
- Mr. Richard C. Guthridge
- Vollmer Associates
- 2 West 45th Street
- New York, New York
- YU 6-0420
- George A. Fuller Co.
- Free
SOURCE: 1964 World's Fair Information Manual
- "The Wonderful World of Scouting" is an exhibit and demonstration area as well as headquarters for the Boy Scouts Service Corps at the Fair. Here Boy Scouts are on duty to answer questions of visitors, conduct periodic ceremonies, and give demonstrations of Scouting activities. In addition to the static exhibits of Scouting purposes and programs, there are "live expo" areas displaying the activities and skills of the Boy Scouts. The public is permitted to try its hand at certain Scouting skills such as knot tying, etc. Scouting groups with special talents are invited to stage demonstrations in a small arena which is part of the facilities.
- In addition, the Fair Corporation provides for the Boy Scouts a small office building located under the Van Wyck Expressway extension.
- The Boy Scout Service Corps includes 130 Scouts and leaders, who are rotated on a staggered schedule. Explorers and Scouts 14 years of age and older were recruited for the Corps in groups of ten with an adult leader (minimum 21 years of age). Such groups of ten may come from a chartered Explorer Unit or Troop, or may consist of a combination of boys from several units where such grouping is made by the district Activities Committee and executive staff. In all cases, the leadership must be approved by the National Council. Each participating Scout, Explorer or leader pays $25 for a week's membership in the Service Corps. For further information, individual Scouts are referred to Chief Scout Executive's Bulletin No. 2, 1963 Series, dated May 16, 1963, issued by the National Council, Boy Scouts of America.
- Boy Scout Day at the Fair for Region Two of the Boy Scouts of America begins Saturday, June 13, 1964. In connection with the 1964 Boy Scout Jamboree at Valley Forge, Pennsylvania, the World's Fair has also designed the period July 13-16, and July 23-26 as "Jamboree Boy Scout Week."
Boy Scouts of America
Source: NY World's Fair Publication For Those Who Produced the New York World's Fair 1964-1965