The well-known evangelist's religious message is presented by the Billy Graham Evangelistic Association in a color film and a variety of exhibits. Personal counseling is offered to all who desire it. An octagonal building houses a 400 seat theater, several counseling rooms and galleries, and is enclosed by a garden. Near the building is a 100-foot high tower which is topped by a brilliant sunburst.
- * Admission: free.
- "MAN IN THE FIFTH DIMENSION." This 28-minute color movie, shown on a 50-foot, "wrap-around" screen which provides a feeling of audience participation, is presented in the theater once an hour. The movie gives pictorial dimensions to Billy Graham's Biblical philosophy. There are simultaneous translations of his narration into French, German, Spanish, Chinese, Japanese and Russian. For those who accept the invitation to receive Christ, given by Dr. Graham in the film, a trained staff offers guidance and counseling.
- AN INTERNATIONAL MINISTRY. In the surrounding garden and exhibit galleries, photographic displays show the international scope of Billy Graham's ministry. In the entrance gallery, there is a transparent, multi-colored globe, six feet in diameter, marked to show the places to which the minister has carried his worldwide Crusades for Christ.

The famed evangelist's message is presented in a color film, and personal counseling is offered.
The octagonal building houses a 400-seat theater and is surrounded by a garden. A 100-foot tower nearby is topped by a golden sunburst.
- THE FILM. The 28-minute movie, "Man in the Fifth Dimension," is shown on a 50-foot "wrap-around" screen once every hour. Graham's own narration is translated simultaneously into French, German, Spanish, Chinese, Japanese and Russian. For those who accept his invitation to receive Christ, counsel and religious guidance are offered.
- INTERNATIONAL MINISTRY. In the garden and exhibit galleries, photographs show the scope of Billy Graham's work. In the entrance gallery is a transparent globe showing the places to which he has carried his Crusade for Christ.
- ¶ Admission: free.