"Deplorable condition."
Those were the words used by Canada Dry Corporation to describe
the Better Living Center on Opening Day of the Fair. While it
is true that the Better Living Center became home for a number
of exhibitors who found themselves homeless following the failure
of the World of Food pavilion just prior to the opening of the
Fair, the unfinished condition of the Better Living Center appears
to have not been a direct result of the installation of the latecomers'
exhibits. The following exchange of New York World's Fair 1964-1965
Corporation memos and letters of correspondence, gleaned from
the files of the New York World's Fair Corporation, help to shed
some light on the conditions exhibitors and Fairgoers had to
contend with during the first few months of the Fair. |
TO |
: Mr. J. J. Manning, Executive Official |
: Mr. W. J. Hyland, Director of Safety |
: Better Living Pavilion |
It has been brought to our attention that the above pavilion
is completely opened to the public and is functioning without
a Certificate of Occupancy or an Operations Permit. We have visited
these premises twice within two days to warn them about complete
intermingling of members of the public and construction workers
throughout the premises.
Due to the fact that no cooperation was in evidence we discussed
this matter with Mr. Witt and Mr. Bond on Monday morning May
Mr. Witt immediately advised Mr. Martin Stone, Director of
Industrial Exhibits for the Fair Corporation, of this situation,
and Mr. Stone arranged at once for a meeting with Mr. Edward
H. Burge, President of the Company, who owns the Better Living
Pavilion. This meeting was held at 4 P.M. Monday afternoon and
was attended by Mr. Stone, Mr. Burge, Mr. Bond, Fair Corporation
Safety Engineer, and the writer.
Previous to this meeting the writer made a joint survey of
the pavilion with Mr. Bond and Mr. Burns, a representative of
the Insurance Carrier, in order that a complete report could
be given to Mr. Burge at the meeting.
We explained it to Mr. Burge that it was the writer's opinion
that the entire building should be closed down until all construction
work was completed. Mr. Burge however agreed to get busy immediately
and take all the necessary steps to completely barricade the
public from all work areas. This was also agreed to by Mr. Stone.
Mr. Bond was to investigate the situation with regards to
Certificate of Occupancy and Operations Permit.
In addition to notifying Mr. Burge about barricading the work
areas to keep members of the public out the following items were
called to his attention with the request that they be taken care
of at once.
1. |
It is noted that the elevators were being operated by employees
of the Allied Maintenance Corporation. |
2. |
Welding operations were being conducted on the roof with insufficient
protection to the members of the public. |
3. |
There were no lights on the stairs leading to the roof level
from the floor below nor was there any prevention made to same. |
4. |
There were no barricades across the opening of the stairway leading
from the roof to the lower floors to prevent members of the public
from falling into these stair openings. |
5. |
The restaurant entrance on the roof are by means of sliding door
panels. There is no break in the continuity of the glass panels
of these doors. |
6. |
The procedure for handling soild dishes and garbage now being
done by restaurant employees on the open roof is decidedly unsanitary.
This has been refered to Col. Gale of Health and Sanitation who
advised he was aware of this situation and was taking the necessary
corrective measures. We also advised Co. Gale of unsanitary food
handling by concessionaires and Col. Gale has agreed to investigate.
At present beach umbrellas now on the open roof, when opened,
could easily be lifted over the guardrail and dropped to the
roadway or sidewalk in a heavy wind storm. |
7. |
The projecting pipe in the cement floor near the dumb waiter
on the open roof provides a survere hazard and should be removed. |
8. |
All loose canvas, lumber and other construction material now
on the open roof should be removed or securely lashed down. The
missing cover on the live panel boxes on the roof should be replaced
and securely fastened. |
9. |
At present handrails and guardrails throughout the entire building
appear to be blow the minimum of 36 inches measured vertically
from the floor. This holds true on ramps and around mezzanine
floors throughout the premises. They should be lifted to a height
of no less than 36 inches from the floor. |
10. |
The temporary wiring and lights in the public washrooms on the
roof and the floor below should be removed and permanent installation
made. |
11. |
The temporary direction signs apparently erected by the exhibitors
directing the public into construction areas should be removed
and these areas barricaded as requested above. |
12. |
Suitable barricading should be erected around the refuse at the
rear entrance to the building from the roadway. The entrance
doors to the building at this location should be kept closed
and locked at all times when not in use by construction workers
to prohibit the public from entering the premises through these
doors at the first floor. |
13. |
The broken glass panel in one of the main entrance doors should
be repaired. NOTE: We were advised by the Pinkerton men stationed
at these entrance doors that this glass panel was broken the
night before, but at the time of the inspection no attempt has
been made to remove the jaggered broken glass and install a new
glass panel. It was also noted that two large pieces of broken
glass from this door had been placed against the wall where the
public could come in contact with it. Temporary blocking was
done by putting potted plants in front of the broken door to
keep the public away. |
14. |
The hexagonal shaped tile flooring in the lobby and from the
curb to the building line should be securely fastened in place
by proper grouting. At present these tiles are loose and keep
projecting out forming a tripping hazard. |
15. |
Approved lighting should be installed over ramps leading from
floor to floor inside the building. |
16. |
All construction material at present being stored in the public
areas outside of the construction work areas should be removed
and stored in a suitable location. |
A list of the above items were given to Mr. Burge together
with the following list submitted by Mr. Bond as the result of
a previous servey made by him.
1. |
The machine room for the exterior elevators reached by means
of a spiral stairway from the roof is accessible to the public. |
2. |
All propane and other bottled gas tanks located throughout the
building should be removed. |
3. |
A supply of gasoline in an unapproved container was observed
on the floor near the Van Display on the 4th floor. |
4. |
The penthouse terrace, rear section, was found loaded with debris
(garbage). |
5 |
Temporary wiring was found in use in several locations. |
6. |
Holes and decided tripping hazards were observed at the floor
of the entrance, passage elevator entry. |
7. |
A number of junction boxes, outlets and other electrical gear
were observed exposed and protruding from floors and walls in
public areas. |
From the above it can be seen that considerable work has to
be done before this building can be made safe for public use.
We have just received a phone call this morning Tuesday May
5th from Mr. Russ Mathews, in charge of building, who has advised
the writer that he has kept a crew on all night complying with
our recommendations and is keeping a day crew on today doing
the same thing and has requested we visit with him before noon
to check the progress made. This we have agreed to do.
- Director of Safety
WJH:bd |
cc: |
- Col. T .J. O'Neill
- Mr. Bond, Safety Engineer, World's Fair Corp.
- Mr. Stone, Director of Industrial Exhibits
- J. J. Manning
- Executive Official
May 6, 1964
- W. J. Hyland
- Director of Safety
- Better Living Building
Supplementary to our report of May 5th on the above pavilion
the writer today resurveyed this building accompanied by Mr.
Burge, President of the Corporation owning the building, Mr.
Campbell, Resident Engineer for the Company owning the building
and Mr. Russell Mathews, Building Manager.
Mr. Mathews on Mr. Burge's instruction had a crew work all
night barricading the work areas still under construction to
prevent the public from walking into these areas.
In addition, Mr. Mathews has a crew working all day completing
compliance with the suggestions given and hopes to have everything
taken care of before tonight.
Mr. Mathews has shut down the outside elevators and has blocked
off the entrance to them at the ground level. He has also barricaded
the entrance to these elevators from the roof promenade.
On the roof he has removed all tables and all umbrellas and
has closed all sliding door panels to keep the public off the
outside promenade.
In addition, he has placed rope barricades on the stairways
from the roof promenade to the lower floors and has placed gummed
paper across all glass doors and panels at eye level to break
up the continuity of the panels as requested. The public can
only reach the restaurant now by using the inside elevators.
With regard to the soiled dishes and garbage problem mentioned
in our report of May 4th, we have discussed this with Col. Gale
who is fully aware of the existing conditions and is instituting
corrective action with the Hilton Hotel people who are operating
this restaurant.
Mr. Mathews advised that orders have been issued to install
lights outlets on the stairs leading to the lower level from
the roof. He has also issued orders to install temporary lights
over the ramps inside the building at all floors.
He has removed the temporary lights and wiring in the public
washrooms on the roof floor and the floor below and has arranged
permanent installation of the light fixtures. He has erected
suitable barricades preventing the public from work areas still
under construction and has a corp of carpenters making continuous
checkups to replace all barricades removed by construction workmen.
All exposed wiring outlets have been protected by placing
display platforms over these outlets as originally intended and
he is watching the exhibitors to see that they do not remove
He has had his electricians go through the building and remove
all unauthorized wiring erected by exhibitors.
He has also removed all excess construction equipment and
all construction equipment previously left exposed in the exhibitors
areas has now been placed behind the barricade in the work area.
At the ground floor he has given orders to the contractor
(they were observed working) to secure the tile in the lobby
and the promenade in front the building from the building line
to the curb.
Mr. Mathews has done an excellent job within 12 hours after
our talk with Mr. Burge when we ordered this work done and with
the follow through that he has instituted and the continuous
patrol to replace the barricades we feel that the public is now
being given adequate protection. This situation will however
be watched continuously by the writer or members of his staff.
The broken glass panel in the main entrance door has not been
replaced as yet, but the door has been closed off by means of
potted plants and the Pinkerton men that are on guard at these
doors have been instructed to see that these plants remain in
In view of this beginning we feel that the unnecessary exposure
to members of the public has been greatly reduced, but will will
continue to check out this building at periodic intervals both
night and day.
- Director of Safety
WJH:bd |
cc: |
- Col. O'Neill, Charge of Security
- Mr. Stone, Director of Industrial Exhibits
- Mr. Bond, Safety Engineer, World's Fair Corp.
- Mr. Rex Reichert
- Rex Reichert Associates, Inc.
- 11 North Madison Street
- Boyerstown, Pennsylvania
- Dear Mr. Reichert:
- In response to your letter of May 21, 1964,
and also to our telephone conversation which dealt with the same
topic, namely the present condition of the Better Living Center,
as I mentioned to you during our telephone call, there are very
great problems inherent in effectively coordinating and installing
in excess of 125 exhibitors in a building of the nature and size
of ours. During the first several weeks of operation, conditions
throughout the building were somewhat hectic due to the continuous
necessity of installing major exhibits, even though the building
itself had for some time been completely constructed. During
our conversation, I mentioned to you that this condition was
vastly improved as by this date the majority of exhibitors are
installed and the building has, in the main, taken on an aspect
of complete integration. More specifically, the third floor containing
the Hilton International Restaurant, Marco Polo Club and the
Women's Headquarters has been completed since the opening date
and is, in our opinion, a very attractive asset. The third floor
is now substantially complete with the exception of the Whirlpool
miracle kitchen of which the final assembly is being made behind
an enclosure and should be operable by the end of this week.
The other major exhibitors on this floor such as Hershey, Canada
Dry, Sunshine and Borden's with their musical production featuring
Elsie the Cow have been completed and operating for some time.
Last Friday evening the Art Gallery featuring Four Centuries
of American Masterpieces, under the joint sponsorship of the
Skowhegen School of Painting and Sculpture and the Better Living
Center, was officially opened to the public.
- Mr. Rex Reichert
May 26, 1964
- Rex Reichert Associates, Inc.
Page 2
- The second mezzanine, which during the first
few weeks of operation contained some small incomplete exhibits
and exhibitors who were obnoxious and noisy, has been reorganized
and the undesirable elements either removed or repositioned so
that the overall traffic flow and quality of exhibition is at
a satisfactory level.
- Several exhibits on the second floor in the
vicinity of Crystal Palace have been rearranged and the area
to which you made specific reference in your letter has been
closed down and is presently being completely redesigned so that
it will complement the Crystal Palace area. The Palace itself
is undergoing a moderate reorganization and design in an effort
to integrate all the elements more fully and give greater exposure
to exhibitors through improved traffic flow and substantially
increased seating and standing capacity so that the area can
accommodate a larger audience. It is our belief that the Crystal
Palace will be one of the outstanding features of the building,
if not the entire Fair. I think the attendance in the area bears
out our feelings.
- The first mezzanine is substantially completed
and now contains a very attractive bar and food vending area
which is integrated with the very fine Taylor Provisions exhibit.
- On the first floor the Dorothy Draper Dream
House has been completed and in operation for some time and with
the exception of one or two very minor exhibits, this floor is
completed and we feel it is very attractive. The Loewy-Smith
organization is presently preparing a proposal for a face-lifting
of the lobby and exterior of the building which will give it
a great deal of life and a vastly improved general appearance.
- I hope this recap of our telephone conversation
of last week gives you sufficient understanding of the present
condition of the building. I would like to reassure you that
we are making a continuous effort to create a building as outstanding
as possible, both for the satisfaction of our many
- Mr. Rex Reichert
May 26, 1964
- Rex Reichert Associates, Inc.
Page 3
- fine exhibitors and for the general public
so that it is a most inviting place.
- If you have any further inquiries, please
get in contact with me or Mr. Mathews who is the building manager.
- Yours sincerely,
- President, Better Living Center
- RGB:mb
- bcc: Martin Stone
- Mr. Robert Moses
- New York World's Fair Corporation
- 450 Seventh Avenue
- New York, New York
- Dear Mr. Moses:
- Canada Dry is an exhibitor in the Better Living Center.
- Due to the poor and unfinished condition of the Better Living
Center on opening day of the Fair, I telephoned your Operations
Office to determine whether or not the Better Living Center had
been issued an operating permit by the Fair Corporation. I was
advised that such a permit had not been issued and that a Certificate
of Occupancy was not on file. When I requested written confirmation
of this information I was referred to your Legal Department.
A Mr. Howard Vogel of the Department, stated that he could not
give out any information concerning Operating Permits without
a written request from Canada Dry Corporation.
- By letter dated April 27th, 1964, Mr. J. W. Reilly, Vice
President and Secretary of Canada Dry, wrote to Mr. Vogel to
determine if a permit had been applied for, and if so, whether
it had been approved or disapproved. We did not receive a reply
to this letter.
- On July 9th, 1964, we again wrote to Mr. Vogel and requested
the same information. Mr. Vogel did not acknowledge receiving
this letter nor did he reply.
- On August 27th, 1964, a third letter was sent to Mr. Vogel,
Registered Mail, and to date we have not received a reply.
- As you are no doubt aware, Canada Dry and other exhibitors
in the Better Living Center were unable to open their exhibits
on time, due to the deplorable condition of the building. Photographs
taken well after the opening date clearly show these conditions.
Source (All Document
Reproductions this Page): New York World's Fair 1964-1965 Corporation
Source: Manuscripts and Archives Division,
The New York Public Library,
Source: Astor, Lenox and Tilden Foundations
Source: Reproduced here courtesy of The
New York Public Library, with permission
Source: May not be reproduced
without written consent of The New York Public Library
Letter To: Mr. Robert Moses |
Page 2. |
October 9, 1964 |
- Under your World's Fair Regulations, Part 3, Page 0-1, paragraph
1(a), participants are required to obtain an Operating Permit.
Paragraph 1(b) lists conditions precedent under which an Operating
Permit will issue. Canada Dry Corporation again requests to know
the date the Better Living Center was certified by the Fair Corporation
as to a "Certificate of Occupancy" and a "Determination
that the project is ready for operation," as required under
paragraphs 1(b)1 and 6 respectively, of the above regulations
covering the issuance of an Operating Permit. We also desire
to know the dates of any prior applications and the reasons they
were disapproved.
- I am certain you will agree that information of this nature
should be a matter of public record. Your Legal Department's
handling of this simple request, or I should say it's ignoral
of this request does not reflect the high standards which I am
sure you require and have worked so hard to maintain.
- I trust that we will receive a reply from someone in your
organization prior to the closing of the Fair on October 18th,
- Very truly yours,
- E. P. Hartnett, Ass't Director
- of Personnel and Public Relations
EPH:lm |
CC: |
- Mr. A.W. Walz
- Mr. M.W. McCaffery
Dry Exhibit in less Deplorable Conditions!
presented courtesy Bill Cotter collection © 2010 Bill Cotter,
All Rights Reserved. See more images from Bill's fabulous
collection of World's Fair photographs at his website WorldsFairPhotos.com.