
Man's speediest communication was once by drumbeat and smoke signal. Now he sends messages around the world by bouncing them off satellites in space. The story of this breathtaking advance in communications is told visually in a 15-minute armchair ride in the giant "floating wing" that comprises the upper story of this pavilion. In a lower level, an exhibit hall is devoted to the technology of modern communications and its history of continuous development. The wing itself, 400 feet long, is covered with lightweight Fiberglas and rests on just four pylons. Next to it rises one of the tallest structures at the Fair, a 140-foot microwave tower through which TV shows originating at the Fair are transmitted. Windows at the base of the tower look in on the control equipment and the engineers and monitors on duty.
- * Admission: free.
- Highlights
- FROM DRUMBEAT TO TELSTAR. For the tour through communications history, the visitor, in a moving chair with earphones, is whisked through scenes showing the progress of man's efforts to communicate with others. Movies, stage sets and projected pictures tell the story with a three-dimensional effect, accompanied by music and narration.
- TELEPHONES AND TIC-TAC-TOE. The technological exhibits in the lower level of the Bell pavilion are interspersed with games. Visitors may test their own musical pitch or they may play tic-tac-toe. The development of the telephone is illustrated, and guests may use actual "picturephone" instruments developed by Bell Telephone Laboratories (every 15 minutes the pavilion puts in a call to Disneyland in California). The Visible Speech exhibit transforms voices into visual symbols on a TV screen. The products of more than 80 years of research and development by the Bell System are on display. A large illuminated wall screen traces the various networks that tie together local, national and international calls.

The history of communications, from smoke signal to satellites, is shown in a 15-minute ride
The upper story of the pavilion, which houses the ride, is a gigantic "floating wing" that rests on four pylons. Below is an exhibit hall devoted to the technology of communications. Nearby rises a 140-foot microwave tower which transmits TV shows originating at the Fair.
- FROM TOM-TOM TO TELSTAR. The visitor, sitting in a moving armchair fitted with stereo earphones, sees filmed and three-dimensional scenes that include primitive signaling by drums, the development of the alphabet, the advent of the telephone and a communications satellite orbiting in space
- PHONES AND FUN. In the exhibit hall, visitors can test their musical pitch or play tic-tac-toe. New "see-as-you-talk" picture-phones are demonstrated and children can listen to cartoon characters on special phones. In another exhibit, voices are transformed into visual symbols on a TV screen. The products of more than 80 years of research by the Bell System are also on display.
- PUBLIC TELEPHONES. Telephone directories from most major cities may be consulted, and attendants help place calls anywhere in the world.
¶ Admission: free.
Revised 2.24.07